only VHDL simulator available for Mac OS X! DirectVHDL is a low-cost,
interactive VHDL simulator that is perfect for learning or personal
use. DirectVHDL is built around a VHDL interpreter that allows
you to edit and simulate your VHDL design without complicated
setup or compilation procedures. DirectVHDL simply loads and
simulates in one step.
Now $49, DirectVHDL is great way
to get started with VHDL.
Buy Now! from our secure on-line store. DirectVHDL is no longer available.
DirectVHDL includes the following:
• VHDL Workspace - an easy-to-use manager that
serves as a starting point to launch the VHDL editor and simulator.
• VHDL Editor - an advanced editor providing syntax coloring and syntax-error
detection. Perfect for beginners, this editor highlights syntax errors as you
• VHDL Simulator - allows you to simulate and debug your design with a graphical
waveform viewer.
• VHDL Tutorial - provides an easy introduction to the VHDL language.

• Intel/Mac
Mac OS X 10.5, 16 MB hard disk space.
• Power PC/Mac
Mac OS X 10.2, 10.3, or 10.4, 16 MB hard disk space.
For Mac OS X 10.2 only, TclTkAqua (free download) is required.
• Microsoft Windows
See DirectVHDL for Windows page.
• The group and reject keywords are not supported.
• Configurations are not completely supported.
• Libraries are not supported except the builtin IEEE libraries (std_logic_1164,
numeric_bit, numeric_std, std_logic_textio, std_logic_arith, std_logic_signed,